S. Rosen's Rolls, Hawaiian, Sweet 12 ea

0 grams trans fat per serving. Since 1909. A Chicago tradition since 1909 - S. Rosen's has a proud reputation for baking great-tasting rolls, buns and breads. Our Sweet Hawaiian Rolls are soft and airy with a touch of sweetness that no one can resist. For a touch of unexpected sweetness in your appetizers, make mini sandwiches on our Sweet Hawaiian Rolls or tear the rolls into pieces for dipping. For a breakfast treat, slice rolls in half, top with peanut butter and bananas, and crisp in a toaster oven. S. Rosen’s Sweet Hawaiian Rolls are so delicious they can even be served unadorned as a dinner roll. Any way you serve them, these rolls are delicious treat, day or night. S. Rosen's Sweet Hawaiian Rolls contain 0 grams of trans fat per serving, are lactose free, and are certified kosher. www.srosens.com.