Opti-Free Replenish Multi-Purpose Enhanced Comfort Twin Pack Disinfecting Solution 2 - 10 fl oz Bottle

Lens case included. Reconditions & retains moisture. Advanced cleaning & disinfection. Kills 99.9 % of germs (Based on ISO 14729 testing against the 5 panel organisms). Exclusive formula. Not found in store brands. For use with all soft contact lenses. Cleans. Rinses. Disinfects. Stores. Sterile. Alcon a Novartis company. Opti-Free Replenish solution reconditions the source of the lens to retain moisture, so lenses feel fresh. Cleans & disinfects. Reconditions lenses. Enhanced comfort. Alcon a Novartis company. Most trusted. Brand by Eye Doctors (Multi-Purpose Solution brands. Based on a Survey of Eye Care Professionals, Data on File). Opti-Free Products for Silicone Hydrogel and Soft Contact Lenses: Product: (Opti-Free Express Solution); Benefits (Everyday Comfort); Proprietary ingredients (Tetronic 1304 (Tetronic is a registered trademark of BASF)); Product: (Opti-Free Replenish Solution); Benefits (Enhanced Comfort); Proprietary ingredients (Tearglyde proprietary dual-action system reconditions & retains moisture); Product (Opti-Free Puremoist Solution); Benefits (All day Comfort); Proprietary ingredients (Hydraglyde Moisture Matrix maintains a lasting cushion of moisture). Actual size. Please remember to recycle.